The prices listed for our color services are starting prices only and do not include items such as toners, bonder, extra color or haircuts. These items are in addition to the base price for your color service. Your stylist will begin your appointment with a consultation in order to give you options for your service so that you can always stay within your beauty budget for each visit.
When booking online for your color services there is no need to also book a haircut – time has been included in our color services for a haircut during your service (if needed).
Your stylist will begin your appointment with a consultation in order to give you a best estimate/cost before you begin the service. Other options can be offered in order to stay within your beauty budget for each visit.
When booking online for chemical or color services there is no need to also book a haircut – time has been included in all chemical or color services in the event you would like a haircut during your service. Thank you!